Thursday, February 26, 2015

10 Causes Of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a very difficult and painful condition. It can interfere with your daily routine. They are a common problem with about 50% to 75% of Americans affected sometime during their lives. The causes of hemorrhoids include the following factors:

Strained Bowel Movement
Forced bowel movement either trying too hard or for too long can cause hemorrhoids. Such strained bowel movement could be due to constipation, diarrhea, or poor bathroom habits. Squatting toilets can make it easier for smooth bowel movements.

Postponing Bowel Movement
You could occasionally postpone a bowel movement if there are no proper facilities in the vicinity. This does not cause any great problem. However, if you are regularly in the habit of postponing bowel movements, eventually, fecal matter within the intestines gets dried up and consequently harder. This then strains while passing and therefore leads to hemorrhoids. Further, fecal matter within the colon can put pressure on muscles and veins in the anal region. This causes swelling of veins around the anus and rectum.

Diet rich in processed food with less of fresh fruits and vegetables is a major cause for hemorrhoids. Consumption of lots of refined flour, animal proteins, fiber-depleted carbohydrates, and sugar can make your stools hard and difficult to pass. This leads to hemorrhoids.
Some people inherit weak vein walls. This could lead to hemorrhoids, although this alone may not be the deciding factor. Weak vein walls combined with long hours of standing or sitting or poor bathroom habits can lead to hemorrhoids.

During pregnancy, the extra weight of the uterus walls weighs down on the rectal veins. Further, a long and painful labor causes increased pressure on the anal region. This could lead to constipation in women without any previous complaints. However, if you already have hemorrhoids, pregnancy can worsen your problem. This problem worsens in the final trimester.

Constipation and Diarrhea
Both can cause hemorrhoids. Constipation is difficulty in passing stools due to hardening causing excessive straining. Diarrhea causes excessive passing of watery stools due to an adverse reaction. This damages rectal veins and leads to hemorrhoids.

Rectal cancer can lead to hemorrhoids. Rectal cancer prompts or causes an urge to defecate often, although you do not actually defecate. This unnecessary and frequent strain causes excessive pressure on your veins and leads to hemorrhoids.
Other diseases like heart ailments, liver diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, and intestinal tumors can indirectly cause hemorrhoids.

Lack of Exercise
A sedentary lifestyle with almost very little movement of muscles causes your muscles to lose their elasticity. This makes bowel movements difficult. This is a common problem in the elderly and sick people. Similarly, some jobs require you to sit or stand for very prolonged periods. This also causes hemorrhoids.

Being overweight causes several problems, hemorrhoids being one of them. Excess weight in the pelvic and abdomen region increases pressure on the pelvic veins. This leads to hemorrhoids.

Other Possible Causes of Hemorrhoids
Other factors which may be linked to the occurrence of hemorrhoids with some patients may include vitamin deficiency, frequent use of laxatives, hypertension and poor intake of fluids and water.
People who regularly suffer from constipation and diarrhea can get hemorrhoids. Similarly, chronic sufferers of liver diseases and intestinal diseases can get hemorrhoids.
People having jobs that entail long hours of sitting or standing could develop hemorrhoids. People eating more spicy foods or those drinking less water could suffer from constipation and resultant symptoms.
Hemorrhoids don't have to rule your life! Discover how to get 
 rid of hemorrhoids at Best Hemorrhoid Treatment Online

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What Is Hypermobility?

There are several cases of hypermobility, such as misaligned joints and abnormally shaped ends of the bones at a particular joint. However, as in my case, it is when the collagen in the joint is defective and results in weakened ligaments, muscles and tendons. It can even lead to osteoporosis.

It has also been shown that the condition may be genetic and can run in families. Double jointed is used to describe people with the condition, but this isn't accurate; there are is no extra joints anywhere just the tendency for them to stretch more than they should


In real terms, this means an individual is prone to strains and sprains because the joints stretch too far and cause these problems and is called 'joint hypermobility syndrome'. So where someone may slip and be fine, someone with hypermobility can slip and end up with a sprain, which can be quite painful. Repetitive movements can also cause problems, such as picking up a bag in a certain way repeatedly which strains the joint and causes pain.

People with hypermobility can also suffer muscle fatigue due to muscles working harder due to the weakness of the joint. It can also be associated with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia as well as the physical symptoms. There are also studies suggesting that hypermobility may be symptomatic of serious conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteogenesis imperfecta and polio.

Hypermobility syndrome
Hypermobility syndrome is a combination of hypermobility with symptoms such as myalgia (muscle pain) and arthralgia (joint pain). It is common in children and more likely to occur in females than males.
As with hypermobility, it can lead to sprains and strains as well as joint pain. It can bring on early-onset osteoarthritis in teen years as well as knee pain and back pain. Joints often make clicking noises when moving and people suffering find they have a poor response to anaesthetic or pain medication. It can often be the condition described as 'growing pains' in children.

Keeping mobile is crucial for all aspects of hypermobility to try and prevent reoccurring injuries. Exercise and physical or hydrotherapy can help increase muscle strength to avoid injuries as well as low impact exercises such as Pilates. High impact sports are not as recommended such as jogging as this can jar the joints and cause injuries.

Heat packs are good to relieve the pain in joints and ice packs may work for swelling associated with a particularly injury. Medications are given to reduce pain as well as inflammation though some anti-inflammatory drugs can actually make the condition worse.
Finally, lifestyle changes can help manage the condition such as sitting instead of standing for long periods and using a kickboard when swimming to avoid hyperextending joints.

Hypermobility isn't a condition which can be 'fixed' but it can be managed with a combination of exercise and management of lifestyle. If someone in the family has the condition, watch the children as it may come out in them and the earlier it is diagnosed, the easier it is to learn to manage it. I was 33 before I was diagnosed and have a curve in my spine because of it. Had it been diagnosed when I was younger, perhaps this may not have been as severe. So be vigilant and be aware.

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Resistance Training For Your Abs


Do I really have a six-pack? Yes, you do! Here comes the science bit first. Your core consists of four muscles; the deep pelvic floor muscles, the transverse abdominis, the obliques and the rectus abdominis (RA). The latter is your six-pack and is the muscle that we like to display on holiday when flat and toned! Here we share a few hints on how to work on getting flatter abs without doing a thousand crunches (you will still need to do some!).

Our top tips for a flatter tummy don't include doing high repetitions of the same exercises such as the crunches from a supine position (lying on your back). Instead, we suggest resistance training exercises that use your whole body in a functional way, using a smaller number of repetitions, varying the speed where appropriate, and isolating/holding the muscle in an isometric (static) position to increase gains.

1. Functional resistance training. Indirect abdominal exercises such as squats, lunges and pushups use your abdominal muscles. Not only do these functional movements use the big abdominal muscles (RA), they also use the obliques (muscles that help you to rotate/twist for example in a forward lunge with a rotation to the left and right) and the transverse abdominis (your 'belt' muscles that stabilize the spine when training) at the same time.
2. To gain more power and strength in your RA, try to do 8-10 repetitions of specific RA exercises using body weight only (if new to abdominal exercises) or added weight and varying the speed at which you repeat the exercises. Try to be slow and controlled in a few reps then explosive and fast in another few repetitions. Do 3-5 sets of 8-10 repetitions and remember to vary the pace. Example exercises may include: 1/ hang (off a tree or a bar) and lift your legs (with knees bent or with straight legs for added exertion) to your chest 2/ same as 1 but to the right and left.

3. Isometric exercises such as the plank or side plank helps in the strengthening of the RA. Alternatively, try to hold your tummy in for 10 seconds, then relax and repeat up to 20 times while siting at your desk, in traffic or in front of the TV. By holding the tension in your abs while at the top of the sit up/crunch exercise you will increase the strength of your six-pack in no time and certainly in less than 1000 reps!
These three powerful ways of training your abdominals will have them on show in no time for your summer holidays!
For more information on how we help our clients to shed the excess abdominal weight, visit

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4 Custom Orthotics That Are Good For Your Feet

The majority of people do not have perfect feet, which means there is some lack of support
imbalance or problem with gait. While for the most part this doesn't cause major medical problems, many people suffer from problems with their feet which cause a myriad of other problems in their bodies as pressure is put on other parts of the skeletal structure. For this reason, custom prescription orthotics may be the answer - without invasive surgery.
Here are 4 reasons why these custom orthotics might be right for you

Orthotics cushion your feet - One of the biggest reasons to get customized orthotics is to help cushion your feet as you stand and walk on them all day. Many people suffer from bunions, gait abnormalities, drop foot, heel rolls and more. Imagine the amount of pressure that your feet endure day in and day out. Cushioned orthotics can help prevent you from getting sore feet, as well as prevent pain in your lower back, knees, hips, legs and neck.
Orthotics support the arches of your feet - Feet come in all different shapes and sizes. While some people may have high arches, others may suffer from flat feet. With customized orthotics, the arches of your feet can be adequately supported so you can absorb any shock and thereby prevent pain. Having proper support means structural and functional disorders can be corrected to align the feet to their optimum functioning position

Orthotics correct biomechanical problems for better posture and gait - Essentially, when your feet are feeling good, so is the rest of your body. Your joints will be better aligned, which means all the moving parts of your body will be better supported and will feel less pain. Orthotics correct and improve foot structure and function to reduce fatigue and pain in the body that results from the resulting abnormal strain

Orthotics help to evenly distribute your body weight - Some people may have uneven body weight distribution. In such cases, this can cause pressure points on the body, and therefore cause pain. Without proper alignment and biomechanics of the feet and ankles, the muscles need to work overtime to correct and support the skeletal frame. Orthotics can help take this pressure off, and therefore avoid unwanted pain in various parts of the body.
Getting the custom prescription orthotics for your feet will allow you to enjoy all-day comfort while relieving pain in the rest of your body that was caused my misalignment or improper structure

If you're in need of custom prescription orthotics in Oakville, Burlington or other areas of Greater Toronto- Greater Hamilton, then visit the Wilson Foot Clinic. Their licensed and trained chiropodists are specialists in foot care that can create custom, prescription orthotics. They have innovative technology and special training that can give you the best custom fit, high quality orthotics available, ensuring that you get the optimal benefits. Go online and visit today or call (905) 335-2000 to set up an appointment for your custom prescription orthotics.

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Friday, February 13, 2015

8 Most Effective Ways on How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus

Are you struggling to get rid of toenail fungus?
You do not have to struggle anymore because this article offers you some of the most effective ways to eliminate them without a lot of hard work. It is good to remove them very fast because the fungus infections are progressive and can cause permanent damage to your toenails. In addition, most of the fungus that affect the toenail are very contagious and can move to other toenails leading to total damage of your legs and feet. Here are some of the most effective ways on how to get rid of toenail fungus.

Antifungal pills

There are many antifungal pills that can be applied to help get rid of the toenail fungus. If you visit a doctor the pills will be prescribed in case you have an advanced infection. The pills can also be applied if the fungus fails to respond to other forms of treatment. If your doctor prescribes you the pills, you will also be advised to go for clinical examinations in order to monitor the progress.

Topical antifungal treatments

There are several topical antifungal treatments that are found in the form of salve or lotion that can be applied in the infected area of your toe. In most cases, the lotion or salve is effective if your infection is mild.

Surgical toenail removal

If your toenail is affected completely by the fungus, then the best way to get rid of them is to have the infected toenails removed completely through surgery. Despite that this is a drastic measure, it is effective in controlling the spread of the fungal infection.

Wear proper footwear

It is good to know that fungus survives in poorly ventilated and moist areas. Thus, if your toe is already infected by the fungus you should wear light and breathable shoes. Make sure that you alternate them frequently. If you are the kind of person who have feet that sweat a lot, then you should change your socks two times in a day. To avoid moisture on your feet, wear socks made from natural materials such as wool or cotton. To avoid spreading the problem to your finger nail, always wash your hands after application.

Carry out exercises

You need to understand that your feet may not have the same blood circulation compared to other parts of your body. Thus, it may be hard at times for your body's immune system to recognize and get rid of food infections. To get rid of the toenail fungus you should not perform strenuous exercises that may lead to sweaty feet. You can perform easy exercises such as walking that will boost your blood flow in your feet and improve your overall immune system that will help in eliminating the fungus from your feet.

Application of tea tree oil
According to several studies applying tea tree oil is an effective way to help remove the toenail fungus. You need to apply the tea tree oil two times a day to improve the appearance of the toe that has been infected by the fungus. However, do not make the mistake of taking the oil orally, it only needs to be applied on the infected area. In most cases, you will have the problem eliminated after three months of regular application.


Garlic is an effective product because it has antifungal compound known as ajoelene and has proved to be effective against several fungal infections including toenail fungus. It is good to note that ajoelena solutions cannot be found in commercial stores. All you need to do is to crush many garlic cloves, add them to your foot bath and soak your foot or feet for half an hour. Alternatively you can mix minced fresh garlic together with olive oil and rub gently on the infected area using a cotton ball.


There are several oral medications that can help you get rid of the toenail fungus such as sporanox and lamisil. It is advisable not to take the oral medications together with topical medications. This is because they are more effective when taken alone.

Bottom line

In order to have the toenail fungus eliminated effectively, it is good to follow the right procedure in applying them. If the problem persists always seek medical advice from your doctor

Get more in-depth information on how to get rid of toenail fungus by visiting
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The Process of Hearing Aid Fitting


If your audiologist has recommended that you wear hearing aids, they will help you select the right equipment. The process of selecting auditory equipment is known as hearing aid fitting. During this process, an assessment is done to evaluate your needs, and a follow-up appointment is scheduled to program your device.

Assessing Your Needs

Your audiologist will start the selection process by initiating a thorough consultation. This includes learning about your lifestyle, expectations, preferences, and any experience with past hearing aid equipment. Your auditory care specialist will take a look at your test results and other information to review several options.

Your Lifestyle

When thinking about listening equipment, you have to cooperate with the care provider so that he or she can understand your lifestyle. This is an important part of the hearing aid fitting process. You might have tried to avoid specific places or social situations as you started to lose your auditory functioning, but now the care provider can help you to decide what you would like to reintroduce into your lifestyle with your new equipment. For instance, if you loved to spend time on the phone talking to family and friends, you will want equipment that works better with a phone. A basic model is suggested for people who lead sedentary lifestyles, but the active person who encounters various background noises would be fitted with a more innovative digital listening device.

Your Preference

There are a variety of devices to choose from. Whether you prefer one that is almost invisible or something larger and brightly colored, you can examine all options during your hearing aid fitting. There are many other features outside aesthetic appearance for you to consider. You may want a device that allows you to control the volume, change the battery infrequently, or change settings through an automated program. There are even some models with remote controls or wireless gadgets.

Selecting Your Hearing Aid

After you and your health provider have figured out your lifestyle and preferences, it is time to review your options and what you can afford. In many cases, you might be given the chance to wear a demonstrative device for several hours or days to test it out. Once you have made your decision, the provider will place an order for the selected equipment after taking your ear canal impression. An appointment is then set up for a later date to do the initial programming and hearing aid fitting

The Follow-up

When your equipment arrives, you will be summoned for your follow-up visit. The listening device is fitted, and you will begin sensing sounds. Of course, your brain will need time to relearn and decipher different sounds. You will receive adequate counseling on how to use various features and how to take care of your new equipment

Making the Adjustment

It is going to take time to adjust after your hearing aid fitting. Some individuals need 24 - 48 hours to adjust, and others require several weeks or months. It is best to keep wearing them until you have fully adjusted. Begin by wearing them while you are home or in a quiet 
When considering hearing aid fitting, Bay City, MI residents visit Bay Area Hearing. Learn more about this procedure at

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Causes of Brain Cancer

 Abnormal growth of the cells in the brain is termed as brain tumor. This type of tumor may ِ
 begin in the brain itself or arise as an offshoot from other types of cancers. Primary tumor or cancer that originates in the brain is of many types such as meningioma, acoustic neuroma, pineoblastoma, ependymoma and oligodendroglioma. The name of the cancer is derived from the type of cell that the cancer originates from. Brain cancer is almost always lethal and could lead to a suite of other health problems. Due to its highly intricate nature, brain cancer study is going on at a very slow pace.
The top 3 causes of brain cancer are:

DNA Mutation
Cancer occurs when the cell loses its ability to die. In plain speaking, the cells become immortal. And they start multiplying quickly and proliferate at great speeds. It is believed that this change occurs in the cell due to a mutation (change) in the DNA structure of the cell. The abnormal cells have no place to move and start lumping in the location, creating bumps or tumors that we see. Soon, these cells start infecting other cells and make them cancerous.

Age and Gender
Though people of all ages have the risk of getting brain cancer, the rate of occurrence becomes higher with increasing age. Statistics has shown that men are more prone to this brain disease than women. Females, on the other hand, have more non-cancerous type of tumors

Genetic conditions also have a major role in causing cancer. Children of cancer patients are more prone to this disease

Medical Conditions
It has been found that those suffering from medical conditions such as Neurofibromatosis, Turcot syndrome, Gorlin syndrome, Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, AIDS and Li-Fraumeni syndrome are more prone to cancer

Miscellaneous Causes
The harmful UV rays have been found to be one of the major causes of skin cancer. Whether these rays damage the cells of the brain is yet to be studied. Smoking, alcohol, hair dye and other chemicals are believed to be carcinogens (cancer-causing agents). Recently there are a lot of studies about how use of mobile phones could be linked to brain cancer. Some research studies also link brain cancer to living in proximity to areas that have high power lines. It is believed that children who are exposed to radiotherapy for other treatments could have a higher risk of brain cancer
